Accuracy and Updating Information
We try to keep website information up to date, however in some cases a website may not represent current actual information (example: a girl is listed as available today, but she may be booked already).
Like most websites, we use our server logs and 3rd party analytics software to track the way our website is used by our customers so we understand better how to make the service faster and more user friendly. The information we gather is analysed in the aggregate.
We never share personally identifiable data with any other companies except as provided in this policy or required by law. We may provide such aggregate statistics about our sales, traffic patterns, and related website information to trustworthy third parties, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.Where appropriate, we share user experience information or other customer level personally identifiable information with trusted third parties, agents and business partners for the purpose of accomplishing our objectives of customer personalisation and improvement of site design and user experience.